INFORMED CONSENT: If you, as a client, accept any classes or services from Journey To Health Chakra, LLC you also accept and understand that Erika Arms and Journey To Health Chakra, LLC is a spiritual community offering personal enrichment and information necessary for YOU to make your own health decisions on a MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT level. You also understand that Journey To Health Chakra, LLC DOES NOT offer any licensed medical doctors. 

TERMS: The information contained on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other health regulatory agency. This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material provided in Journey To Health Chakra, LLC website is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, before starting a diet, an exercise program or any other health program.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Everything you see or read on this website is copyrighted and may not be used for anything other than personal and non-commercial use without the prior written permission of Journey To Health Chakra, LLC.

RESTRICTIONS ON USE: You may view, copy, print and distribute material from this website as long as the material is used for informational and non-commercial purposes only,

LINKS: This website may contain links to sites not maintained by, related to or controlled by Journey To Health Chakra, LLC. Accordingly, Journey To Health Chakra, LLC makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness or accuracy of these sites. Nor does the availability of these links on this website serve as an endorsement or approval of any of these sites.

ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS OF USE AND INFORMED CONSENT: By using this Web site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions Journey To Health Chakra, LLC reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time without prior notice by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions. For this reason, we encourage you to periodically visit this page to review the then-current version of the Policy to which you are bound.
Each client is reponsible for his or her own health when accepting services, or being present in our facility.


We believe in Free Will/Free Choice, we're here to Teach/Learn and Learn/Teach, and to live in Love/Light.




Last updated on December 2023.



Classes are coming soon!

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